FIRM PROFILE Graphics For Steel Structures (GSS), formerly Charles Cohn and Son, has been in existence for more than 75 years. We have been providing Structural Steel Detailing and Design services to the Structural Steel Industry continuously since 1924. GSS has detailed practically every type of structural steel structure, such as Power Plants, Office Buildings, Hospitals, Factories, Transmission Towers, Cable Supported Roofs, Bridges (Highway and River Crossings), etc. The staff of GSS consists of fifteen (15) detailers and engineers. Our staff includes senior detailers with over 20 years of experience. All our drawings are computer generated, using CCSCAD, a proprietary computer software system we developed, and are continually upgrading. We are presently exploring the integration of CAD/CAM with drawings produced on our system. Through our working relationship with Koutsoubis, Alonso Associates, P.E. P.C. Consulting Engineers, we can offer Structural Engineering services including the Analysis and Design of Connections, Shoring and Crane and Derricks Supports. By combining both engineering and detailing, we are able to furnish a one stop shopping approach. We believe that the future of the Structural Steel Fabrication industry will require the combination of these in-house services. Some of our clients include, Owen Steel Company, Steelco, Harris Structural
Steel Company, Trinity Industries, Canron Construction Corp., Leonard Kunkin
Associates, Kline Iron & Steel Company, and Cives Steel Company.